What's the relationship between hand holding and Wushu routine and fighting

What's the relationship between hand holding and Wushu routine and fighting

    There are many martial arts schools that have many boxing sets. There are several moves in the set. Maybe the first set of boxing has ten moves, which are based on several of the first set of boxing, plus the new five or six moves, will become the second set of boxing. And so on, add and subtract, and then build a lot of boxing. As mentioned earlier, the more people's psychology, the better. Therefore, some people will create one or two sets of fists to show that they are better qualified than others. Or in order to make the performance more attractive, we will add some high ornamental actions as selling points. Some people have not finished the whole set of boxing, so they add three or two moves to justify themselves, saying that they have completed the whole set of boxing. Of course, some scholars will revise the boxing according to their experience, understanding, wisdom and personal characteristics.
One example is that master IP man was invited to perform eight chopping swords when he was teaching Boxing at Shi Yingwei in the early 1950s. In order to increase the impression of the performance, he and several disciples studied and joined several moves of Beijing opera, such as four Ping horses and Ziwu horses, to enrich the performance. After the performance, the master always felt that this did not really reflect Yongchun, so he would only teach and show the original eight chop sword in the future. However, some of the disciples used this performance version of the eight chop sword as their main teaching material when they taught boxing. The reason is that it is attractive and marketable, and it can be said that it was specially taught by the master.

Traditionally, in class, most of the students only learn to repeat the demonstration movements of the master or elder martial brother. When they finish one set of fist, they will learn another set of fist. In the middle of the class, they will learn the antithesis of the given movements and some weapon routines. The first move can be eliminated by the second move, and the second move can be prevented by the third move. The advantage is that the master can teach more than one student at the same time, and it is also a good way to learn marketing. However, the teacher fails to explain the students' body shape, strength, angle and position when teaching. The students think that one move can be broken down and one move can be tried, and they are lack of knowledge.

So, why do students still need to learn boxing? In fact, the main reason for learning boxing is that it contains some movements, which is convenient for students to practice repeatedly, so as to practice the basic hand shape, body shape and footwork well, but this does not mean that it can be applied in the real environment.

Wei Chun pays attention to the fist, that is, he understands that the moves of boxing can not be directly applied in practice. He must understand and cooperate with various factors, including distance, angle, position and force. However, as the saying goes, "tall buildings rise from the ground", if we have a backbone in teaching, we can master the essentials correctly, and then we can be handy in application. Therefore, when learning Yongchun boxing, we also need to have boxing practice to explain the techniques. There are only three sets of Yongchun boxing, each of which has its own meaning. For example, small ideas focus on technique, bridge searching focuses on technique and waist horse cooperation. The standard refers to the experience of attack and strength. After learning to use those sets of boxing, it should be used in hand practice.

The purpose of fighting is to knock down the opponent. Three hundred rounds of fighting will only appear in novels. In actual combat, the winner will be divided by three or two moves. However, the purpose of wrestling is to learn. As long as everyone can try to apply the skills they have learned in the process of wrestling, they can win, and neither side needs to be knocked down by the other side. It can also be a good exercise for body and mind.

The boxer is an offensive and defensive practice emphasizing reaction, and a bridge from boxing to fighting. It is a mistake to overindulge in the idea that if you have learned how to use your hand, it is equivalent to fighting. One of the most likely situations is to force your hand instead of chasing it. You think that you still have to keep in touch with the enemy's hand when fighting, and you just want to bind the enemy's hand as much as possible.

In fact, when fighting, we should pay close attention to each other's empty position and launch an attack with the most direct path. It's best if we can knock down the enemy with one move and a half, but usually the enemy will respond to our hand. When our hands are in contact with each other, we can continue to fight with the sensory response obtained by hand training.

In the past, when many foreign students first came into contact with Yongchun, they thought that the Yongchun club, like some schools of Kung Fu, should learn more boxing sets, and even more mistakenly thought that after learning the boxing sets, they could directly use the moves in the boxing sets to do the opposite, without having to learn the boxing. There are also some people who mistakenly think that the hand is a fight. What's more, they think that the hand is a real fight. They only absorb one of the ideas of Yongchun boxing, blindly pursue the opponent's form with straightness and speed, and attack the opponent as soon as they join hands. This kind of high-speed launching punch is the most powerful way to fight for the line. It is suitable for people with strong hands. The change of this style in body shape and footwork is not very big. It is by no means a perfect or comprehensive Yongchun. In recent years, it has become popular in Hong Kong. In the online video, I found that some of my classmates may have the same misunderstanding, and even turn the hand into a boxing like practice. They want to fight, but they are afraid of fighting. They want to pull a long distance. They want to fight each other as soon as they can. They have to try their best to defeat each other. They do not understand the angle, position, force, reaction and other elements of the hand. They completely abandon the learning principle of the hand, or misunderstand the fight What's going on.

Master Ye Zhun said that hand playing is like playing chess, which is novel and interesting. In real combat, we can't rely entirely on the idea of hand playing. The enemy will never contact us in accordance with the laws and regulations of Yongchun boxing. Everyone will always have their own way of playing, or even have no rules and regulations. It's often not worth the loss to pursue others!

The important thing is to understand and learn the short-distance characteristics of Yongchun boxing through the training of Jishou. In practical application, it is necessary to add medium distance and long-distance opposition.

Bruce Lee used to use water to describe Kung Fu. Here we also use water to give an analogy: fighting is equivalent to swimming in the stormy sea in order to save lives. You can survive in such a bad weather and life and death environment. You must be skilled in swimming, or you will lose your life in the sea.

Hand training is equivalent to swimming pool, so that learners can practice in a safer and controllable environment. Generally, you can learn in shallow water pool first. When you have basic skills, you can go to big pool. When you have confidence, you can take part in swimming competition, water polo, fancy swimming and so on. Swimming can be a sport, an entertainment, or an exercise for survival. If you jump into the ocean to learn how to swim at the beginning, it will make beginners afraid of water. They may not be able to learn how to swim successfully, and they may not be able to experience the fun of swimming.

The actual combat is a competition between the two sides. How to effectively practice their own offensive and defensive ideas under the vicious and hostile circumstances depends on their hands. From the perspective of Wing Chun, the starting point of fighting lies in this.
