What are the types of Chinese Kung Fu?

Types of Chinese martial arts


Martial arts should be at home and abroad

There are many schools of martial arts. As a whole, Bai can be divided into internal and external schools, northern and Southern Boxing. Neijia is represented by Taiji, Xingyi and Bagua (or Wudang is Neijia), while Waijia is called Shaolin, which is divided into two schools.

The northern and Southern School of foreigners

Among the two major schools in the north and the south, Changquan is the representative of the north school, which has five portals: Tan, Cha, Hua, Hong and Pao. In addition, there are Liuhe, Tongbi, qigua, Erlang, Taizu, short fight, maze, mantis, Baji, Fanzi, Didan, Luohan, Pojiao and other factions. The mainstream of Southerners is in Fujian and Guangdong. In Fujian, there are dragon, tiger, leopard, snake, crane and Wuzu boxing; in Guangdong, there are Liu, Hong, Cai, Li, Mo and Yongchun boxing. In addition, the martial arts schools in the south of the Yangtze River (such as Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan and Sichuan) are all included in the scope of Nanpai (also known as Nanquan).

Unique Kung Fu - inside and outside of Bagua palm

Baguazhang was handed down from Dong Haichuan in the middle of Qing Dynasty. Dong's ancestral home is Hongdong, Shanxi, and he lived in Wen'an, Hebei. He has been practicing martial arts since he was a child. He has been in the countryside bravely. Later, he travels all over the country. He is good at fighting. According to the principles of the four upright and four corners of the eight trigrams and the nine palaces of Luoshu, he created the "Eight Trigram Palm" with the palm as the main attack method and the theory of boxing in the book of changes.

Bagua palm is a unique internal and external skill. It takes walking around the circle as the main form of movement. It requires lifting the top along the neck, loosening the shoulder and sinking the elbow, strengthening the abdomen and opening the chest, and bending the legs to wade in the mud. Line palm trend, twist wrapped drill turn, potential type p
